Proper Striving….

It took me 30 hours to get here…and five legs of flying. West palm to Boston to Iceland to London to Geneva….yep. Plane issues and me hell bent on getting here. I arrive at 1am to a freezing cold tent…settle in to sleep around 2 and up at 6am…let’s do this!!!

Greeted by familiar faces and now new ones as well, was the perfect way to wake up! You know when you go through tough situations and surround yourself with the right people, it connects your spirits forever!! Seeing my “Strive family” again means just that to me.

And we are off…Hike 7 miles first

Zayed is the prince of Abu Dhabi who spoiled me and Kristy for New Year’s Eve 2018 if you missed it, go back and look through my Instagram…it was insane. So happy he’s here (center of the photo)

The girl tribe is back together from 2 years ago Morocco (Sara, Deka,Susie, Kristy and myself) we cruised together during round one catching up ❤️ this video is everyone filming at the same time 😂

Okay time for this freezing cold swim…what a site getting us in these wetsuits…oh my

CEO of Big Change Essie

My girlfriend Bree that came with me, now apart of the family

I get in the water and start free crawling…treating it like it was a race…then I took a breath and started to breast stroke and Omgoodness I realized what I was surrounded by. Surrounded by the Swiss alps, Swiss chalets and the most breath taking scenery…I hardly put my face in the water again. I took my time, relished every second and even had some nice conversation in the water. Lesson learned here was life isn’t a race…STOP April and look around, take time to have a conversation, take time to look at Gods splendor…I’m so glad I did, it was my favorite part of the day!

Okay truth talk…I haven’t clipped into my bike for over a year….but shhh don’t tell anyone

Here goes nothing… and yep, Strive won!!! The bike ride was intense BUT…I finished —woophooo!!! Climbed the alps for a good 4 hours…30 hours of traveling, barely any sleep, hike, swim and bike 50km…WHAT AM I DOING???? Heheh

We end the day sitting by the camp fire listen to inspiring stories about all that @bigchangecharity is doing and it’s rocking my world!!!

I’ve already had life changing conversations and today is only day 1. So so so thankful

Thanks for the love and support, I’m getting your encouraging messages

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